Ants Professional Pharaoh Ant Control Services

Pharaoh Ants

Facts & InformationWhat are Pharaoh Ants?Pharaoh ants get their name from the belief that they were one of the plagues of Egypt during the time of pharaohs. Originally from Africa, pharaoh ants are an invasive species in the United States. Pharaoh ants are yellow in color and 1 to 2…

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Ants Professional Pavement Ant Control Services

Pavement Ants

Facts & InformationWhat are Pavement Ants?Pavement ants get their name from their preference for nesting in or under pavement. Very similar in appearance to little black ants, these ants are brown to black in color and 2 to 3 millimeters in length. These ants eat a wide variety of foods,…

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Ants Professional Odorous House Ant Control Services

Odorous House Ants

Facts & InformationWhat are Odorous House Ants?Odorous house ants get their name from the foul, rotten smell they emit when they are crushed. They are brown to black in color and 1 to 3 millimeters in length. These ants eat a wide variety of foods, including honeydew, meats, sugary foods,…

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Ants Professional Thief Ant Control Services

Thief Ants

Facts & InformationWhat are Thief Ants?Thief ants are known for stealing food from other ants. They will nest very close to, or even sometimes within, other ant colony nests, from which they then steal food and eggs. Thief ants are also commonly referred to as “grease ants” or “sugar ants”…

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Ants Professional Little Black Ant Control Services

Little Black Ants

Facts & InformationWhat are Little Black Ants?Little black ants get their name from their very small size and black coloration. These ants only grow 1 to 2 millimeters in length. These ants eat a wide variety of foods, including insects, sweets, honeydew, bird droppings, and vegetables. Little black ants are…

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