What Do Bed Bugs Look Like?
Bed bugs are well-known parasites that infest beds and feed on humans while they sleep. They are approximately the size of an apple seed, measuring about 5 to 7 mm in length, with flat, reddish-brown oval bodies. They have two antennae, six legs, and no wings. After feeding, bed bugs become more red in color, swollen, and elongated. Bed bug eggs resemble small grains of rice and vary in color from transparent to pearl white, often found in clusters.
What are the Signs of a Bed Bug Infestation?
Bed bugs are exceptional hitchhikers, capable of traveling far distances with an unsuspecting host. They can be picked up almost anywhere, including hotels, gyms, stores, and movie theaters. Poor housekeeping is often blamed for bed bug infestation. However, bed bugs are usually brought into your house by accident on suitcases, bags, furniture, or clothing.
Bed bugs hide in dark, tightly packed spaces and crevices. Despite their name, they will live in more than just your bed; they will be in box springs, bed frames, carpeting, and other furniture. The most common signs of a bed bug infestation are droppings, bites, blood smears, skin shells, and odor.
Droppings and Stains
Bed bug droppings are small, dark specks that resemble coffee grounds or ink spots on your bedding or mattress. Bed bugs bite their host to feed on blood, and when they do, small drops of blood can fall onto your sheets, pillowcases, and mattresses. If you notice small blotches of blood or dark smears, this could be a clear sign of a bed bug infestation.
Bed bugs can bite exposed skin, resulting in small, itchy red welts on areas such as the legs, neck, and back.
Skin Shells
As bed bugs grow, they will need to molt and shed their skin, leaving casings underneath pillows, beds, mattresses, and in mattress seams. If you see empty bed bug skin shells, you will know there are feeding bed bugs nearby.
Bed bugs leave behind a musty smell. If the bed bug infestation is large enough, you may smell them as you lay in bed.
Professional Bed Bug Control in Milwaukee, WI
Bed bugs are highly prolific and difficult insects to eliminate. Over-the-counter pesticides or DIY methods will not work against bed bugs, as they are the most difficult pests to exterminate. If you suspect or discover bed bugs, it’s important to contact a licensed pest management professional immediately. Unfortunately, Advanced Wildlife and Pest Control does NOT offer bed bug control services. Bed bugs are the only insects we do not handle at this time. However, we can assist you by providing referrals to other pest control companies we are connected with to address your bed bug problem. Feel free to give us a call at 262-242-4390.