What Do Grackles Look Like?
Grackles are medium-sized birds measuring about a foot long. They appear black from a distance, but up close, they have iridescent teal heads, purple wings, and olive and purple bodies. Female grackles are less iridescent and often appear brown. They have slender bodies and bright golden eyes. Grackles look very similar to starlings but have dark bills and long, wedge-shaped tails.
Behavior & Habits
Grackles are social birds that flock with other birds, including starlings and red-winged blackbirds. They can form large flocks, sometimes numbering over a hundred birds. Grackles are highly vocal birds that squeak, whistle, and rattle. Grackles are considered to be highly intelligent birds, similar to crows. They are often seen strutting and hopping around lawns, golf courses, and crop fields.
Professional Grackle Control Milwaukee, WI
Advanced Wildlife and Pest Control provides grackle removal and exclusion services in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Our certified bird specialists safely and efficiently trap, remove, and exclude nuisance grackles from your home and business. Exclusion and habitat modifications are the most effective methods to deter grackles. We seal and block access to their roosting spots with vent guards, bird spikes, deterrents, and netting. We also provide safe, effective bird nest removal services.
What Problems Do Grackles Cause?
Grackles are agricultural pests that eat crops like corn and rice. They can be a nuisance in urban and suburban areas with their loud calls and large roosts. Grackles are often found near garbage cans, food courts, and other areas where food is present. Their large roosts and fecal matter can cause damage to property and spread diseases such as histoplasmosis, candidiasis, and salmonellosis.
Grackle FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
What do grackles eat?
Grackles primarily eat berries, seeds, grain, beetle grubs, grasshoppers, and spiders.
Where do grackles live?
Grackles live in open areas with scattered trees, such as crop fields, suburbs, and city parks. Their nests are well hidden among branches of dense trees, especially conifers, or shrubs near water. The birds typically nest in small colonies of 10-30 pairs, but sometimes in groups of 100 or more. Grackles are known to adapt well to urban environments in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
When do grackles mate?
Grackles breed once a year, between March and July. Males attract females by puffing out their chests and feathers and performing other courtship displays. The female lays four to seven eggs, which are light blue to pearl gray in color and spotted with brown. She will incubate the eggs for two weeks. The chicks fledge two weeks after hatching.
How long do grackles live?
Grackles are known to live up to 22 years in the wild with an average lifespan of 17 years. They are highly adaptable, resilient, intelligent birds that can create homes in various environments.