What are Chimney Swifts?
Chimney swifts are small migratory birds with slender bodies and narrow, curved wings. They are dark gray and about the same size as a robin. They have round heads, short necks, and short, tapered tails. In flight, their patterns look similar to those of bats as they feed on insects mid-air. Unable to perch, they cling to vertical surfaces like chimney flues.
What are the Signs of a Chimney Swift Infestation?
Chimney swifts tend to nest in chimneys, especially if they are uncapped or damaged. These birds are quite vocal, so you’ll likely hear their chirping and tweeting coming from your chimney. They are most active at dawn and dusk as they enter and exit the chimney. If you look up into your chimney, you might see nests attached to the chimney wall. In case of a significant infestation, you may also notice bird droppings in your fireplace. As nests build up in your chimney, you may experience difficulty starting fires due to decreased draft efficiency.

Professional Chimney Swift Control
Chimney swifts are protected in Wisconsin. Trapping swifts is not only difficult but also harmful to these protected birds. To remove swifts from your chimney after nesting season, our certified bird specialists will install a temporary one-way door to allow swifts to exit your chimney but will prevent them from coming back down your chimney. Once all the swifts have been removed, we will install a commercial-grade stainless steel chimney cap to prevent future infestations.

What Problems Do Chimney Swifts Cause?
Chimney swift nests can block the flue and restrict the airflow necessary for smoke and carbon monoxide to rise out of your home, causing a fire risk. Additionally, chimney swifts can create noise with their chirping and their droppings can accumulate in the chimney.
Chimney Swift FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
What do chimney swifts eat?
Chimney swifts eat various insects while flying, including flies, wasps, moths, spiders, beetles, and mosquitoes. They can eat up to 12,000 insects a day.
Where do chimney swifts live?
Chimney swifts nest in chimneys and on other vertical surfaces in dim, enclosed areas, like wells, hollow trees, caves, and air vents.
When do chimney swifts mate?
Chimney swifts are monogamous and mate for life. They breed in spring from May to July. Chimney swifts lay 3 to 7 white eggs per clutch. Both parents incubate the eggs for 16 to 21 days. Chimney swifts can have more than one brood per season, and will re-nest if the first nest and eggs are destroyed. The young fledge from the nest two weeks after hatching but typically fly for the first time a month after hatching.
How long do chimney swifts live?
The average lifespan of a chimney swift is about 3 to 4 years. Its predators include hawks, falcons, owls, and raccoons.