What Do Sparrows Look Like?
Sparrows are small birds, measuring about 6 inches in length with a 7 to 10-inch wingspan. They have light brown or tan bodies with distinctive white and black bands across their necks, cheeks, and wings. Sparrows have a round head and are relatively chunky compared to more slender birds.
Behavior & Habits
Sparrows are cavity-nesting birds that often build nests in and around man-made structures such as house eaves, dryer vents, attic vents, chimneys, and barns. Due to their small size, sparrows can fit into small openings. Sparrows are aggressive towards other bird species and will drive them away from their nests. Once they find a suitable location, they will gather in large numbers.

Professional Sparrow Control in Milwaukee, WI
Advanced Wildlife and Pest Control provides sparrow removal and exclusion services in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Our certified bird specialists safely and efficiently trap, remove, and exclude nuisance sparrows from your home and business. Exclusion and habitat modifications are the most effective methods to deter sparrows. We seal and block access to their roosting spots with vent guards, bird spikes, deterrents, and netting. We also provide safe, effective bird nest removal services.

What Problems Do Sparrows Cause?
Sparrows are a common issue for farmers as they frequently infest livestock food and water supplies, contaminating them with droppings. Sparrows can carry diseases such as histoplasmosis and salmonellosis. Exposure to these diseases is possible through inhalation of fungal spores found in nest materials and dried sparrow droppings. Additionally, when sparrows nest in vents, the airflow into buildings can expose residents to disease.
Sparrow FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
What do sparrows eat?
Sparrows primarily eat seeds but will also consume insects. They are common at bird feeders.
Where do sparrows live?
You can find sparrows wherever there are people, including cities, suburbs, and farms. They are attracted to places where they can easily find food provided by humans. They are not commonly found in heavily forested areas.
When do sparrows mate?
Sparrows breed throughout the year, but their main mating season is from April to August. The female typically lays two to five eggs, which are light white to greenish-white and spotted with gray or brown speckles. Both parents incubate the eggs for about two weeks. The chicks fledge two weeks after hatching. Sparrows typically have two to three broods per year.
How long do sparrows live?
Sparrows typically live up to 2 to 5 years in the wild. Sparrows have many predators, including hawks, owls, cats, raccoons, and snakes.