What Do Starlings Look Like?
Starlings are medium-sized birds measuring 8 to 9 inches long. These black birds have pointed, triangular wings with squared tails and pinkish legs. In the winter, the feathers are spotted with white or cream speckles. During the summer months, the feathers are iridescent greenish-purple. Starlings look very similar to grackles but have yellow bills and short tails.
Behavior & Habits
Starlings are an invasive species. These social birds gather in large, multispecies flocks, sometimes consisting of thousands of birds. Starlings are very good mimics. They can imitate the calls of various species, such as killdeer, red-tailed hawk, northern flicker, and eastern meadowlark. While they help control pests, their nesting habits compete with those of native birds.

Professional Starling Control in Milwaukee, WI
Advanced Wildlife and Pest Control provides starling removal and exclusion services in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Our certified bird specialists safely and efficiently trap, remove, and exclude nuisance starlings from your home and business. Exclusion and habitat modifications are the most effective methods to deter starlings. We seal and block access to their roosting spots with vent guards, bird spikes, deterrents, and netting. We also provide safe, effective bird nest removal services.

What Problems Do Starlings Cause?
Starlings are obnoxious and destructive pest birds. Their large flocks pose a major threat to farmers by frequently infesting livestock food and crop fields. They uproot new plants, consume seeds, and contaminate livestock food and water with droppings. Starlings will also nest in attics, eaves, gutters, and other small openings around your home. Diseases transferred by starling droppings include blastomycosis, histoplasmosis, and salmonella.
Starling FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
What do starlings eat?
Starlings primarily eat seeds, corn, grains, berries, and insect larvae. They are common at bird feeders during the winter months.
Where do starlings live?
Starlings are found throughout Wisconsin, in cities, suburbs, and farms. They nest in trees, buildings, and other structures with cavities or niches. Starlings prefer open, grassy areas to forage for food.
When do starlings mate?
Starlings mate twice a year, in early spring and summer. The female typically lays four eggs that are bluish or greenish-white in color. Both parents incubate the eggs for about two weeks. The chicks fledge two to three weeks after hatching. The adults will continue to feed the young for several weeks after they have fledged.
How long do starlings live?
The average lifespan of a starling is about 2 to 3 years in the wild. Most starlings do not survive the first winter. Starlings have many predators, including hawks, falcons, and cats.