What Do Woodpeckers Look Like?
Woodpeckers are small to medium-sized birds, ranging from 7 to 15 inches long. They have distinct plumage featuring black, brown, white, and red patterns. Woodpeckers have short legs with one or two backward-pointing claws, called a zygodactyl foot, which aids in scaling trees and structures. Woodpeckers are known for their hammering habits, which they use to establish territory, find a mate, make a nesting hole, or find insects. There are nine species of woodpeckers in Wisconsin.
What are the Signs of Woodpeckers on Your Property?
Holes in siding, trim, and eaves are the most common signs of woodpecker activity. Homes bordering wooded areas generally experience increased woodpecker activity. Woodpeckers can quickly move from pecking trees to drumming on buildings. They enjoy hearing the echoes of their drumming or drilling. They may even peck at your downspouts, gutters, siding, and metal tanks. Drumming and drilling sounds help birds mark their territory, recognize mates during courtship, and alert other birds of danger. Woodpeckers will also drill holes into siding or fascia to build nests.

Professional Woodpecker Removal in Milwaukee, WI
Woodpeckers are protected in Wisconsin, and only properly permitted professionals can control them. Our certified bird specialists at Advanced Wildlife and Pest Control offer woodpecker control and removal services in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Our bird control services provide customized solutions to address woodpecker problems through removal, exclusion, and deterrents. Flasher deterrents, netting, frightening devices, scent repellents, and trappings are the most commonly used effective solutions.

Woodpecker Damage
Woodpeckers damage homes by drilling holes in wood siding. Most of the damage occurs in the spring and fall when males attempt to attract mates with territorial hammering. Woodpeckers may also store food such as acorns and nuts in these drilled-out areas. The holes they make can lead to insect infestations, water seepage, wood deterioration, and mold growth. Woodpeckers may also peck at electrical lines or plumbing when their beaks break through the siding.
Woodpecker FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
What do woodpeckers eat?
Woodpeckers feed on various insects, especially beetles, ants, termites, wood roaches, caterpillars, spiders, and wasps. They are also fond of sunflower seeds, millet, and peanut butter.
Where do woodpeckers live?
Woodpeckers nest and roost in cavities of hollow or dead trees. They are found throughout Wisconsin forests and usually live near streams or other water sources. Woodpeckers look for dead or rotting wood, which they can use to forage insects. If a section of your home has rot, a woodpecker may try to live there or nearby.
When do woodpeckers mate?
Woodpeckers typically breed in the spring. Males attract mates by drumming. Depending on the species, females lay between 3 to 8 white eggs. Both parents incubate the eggs for about two weeks. Young woodpeckers usually leave the nest after 20 to 30 days. Woodpeckers typically have one or more broods per year.
How long do woodpeckers live?
The average lifespan of a wild woodpecker, depending on the species, can range from 4 to 11 years. Its predators include hawks, owls, snakes, raccoons, and foxes.