Have a Problem with Flies?

Flies are a common pest problem for homeowners and restaurants in Milwaukee and southeastern Wisconsin. They aren’t just a nuisance; flies are harmful. Flies liquefy and regurgitate food, thus contaminating food and spreading diseases like salmonella or tuberculosis. Female flies can lay 80-200 eggs at a time. If not controlled promptly, a full-blown fly infestation can develop in a short period.

Whether you have flies in your home or business, the pest professionals at Advanced Wildlife & Pest Control will effectively help get rid of your fly problem with our pest control and removal services.

Why Do I Have Flies?

Flies are in your home looking for food and a place to breed and live. They can enter your house in a variety of ways. Flies can enter through open doors or windows, on food products, or through sewer pipes. Unemptied garbage, dirty dishes, fresh fruits, scum-coated drains, a dead animal in a wall, and warmth will attract flies into your house.

How to Get Rid of Flies?

Fly Inspection

Certain flies can be challenging to eradicate. A licensed fly exterminator will conduct a thorough inspection of your property to identify the fly species, the source, and the severity of the fly infestation. Because every home and fly species is different, our technician will work with you to develop a customized action plan for your situation.

Fly Treatment

Over-the-counter pesticides only kill the flies that are up and about. Our pest management professional will apply the proper treatments to breeding sites and spaces where flies are active to eliminate them at the source. Without getting rid of the fly’s breeding place, new flies will just keep on coming.

Prevent Flies from Returning

Flies are a common pest each year, especially during the summer and autumn. Our regular fly treatments and monitoring systems will protect your home and business year-round against flies. No contracts are required.

Fly Inspection

Certain flies can be challenging to eradicate. A licensed fly exterminator will conduct a thorough inspection of your property to identify the fly species, the source, and the severity of the fly infestation. Because every home and fly species is different, our technician will work with you to develop a customized action plan for your situation.

Fly Treatment

Over-the-counter pesticides only kill the flies that are up and about. Our pest management professional will apply the proper treatments to breeding sites and spaces where flies are active to eliminate them at the source. Without getting rid of the fly’s breeding place, new flies will just keep on coming.

Prevent Flies from Returning

Flies are a common pest each year, especially during the summer and autumn. Our regular fly treatments and monitoring systems will protect your home and business year-round against flies. No contracts are required.
Learn All About Flies