What Do Asian Lady Beetles Look Like?
Asian ladybeetles and ladybugs may belong to the same insect family and look very similar, but they are very different bugs. Asian ladybeetles are slightly larger than ladybugs. They vary in color from red to orange to yellow. Both beetles have spots on their bodies, but some Asian ladybeetles may not have any spots at all. One way to easily distinguish Asian ladybeetles from ladybugs is by the black “M” or “W” marking on their white pronotum behind the head. Ladybugs are harmless insects that benefit the environment and kill garden pests. Asian ladybeetles are aggressive and invade homes.
What are the Signs of an Asian Lady Beetle Infestation?
Asian ladybeetles are overwintering pests that seek shelter indoors during the cooler months. They gather in large numbers on the sunny exterior walls of homes and make their way inside through cracks around doors and windows. Once inside, they hibernate in attics, walls, and closets for the winter. Piles of dead Asian ladybeetles may also collect in light fixtures and around windows.

Asian Lady Beetle Control in Milwaukee, WI
Get rid of Asian lady beetles with our professional pest control services! Advanced Wildlife and Pest Control offers Asian lady beetle control and extermination in Milwaukee and southeastern Wisconsin. Our certified pest exterminators provide reliable, long-lasting solutions to eliminate Asian lady beetles from your home and business. Our seasonal beetle treatments in fall and spring will ensure your property remains pest-free throughout the year.

How to Prevent Asian Lady Beetles?
The following prevention tips will help deter Asian lady beetles from your property.
- Fix torn window screens.
- Seal cracks around windows, doors, siding, and utility pipes.
- Place weather stripping around windows and doors.
- DON’T SQUISH!!! Use a vacuum to remove live or dead Asian beetles!
Are Asian Lady Beetles Harmful?
Asian ladybeetles are primarily a nuisance pest, especially in the fall when they invade homes. They don’t damage property, eat human food, or lay eggs indoors. However, the sheer number of these beetles can be quite bothersome to homeowners. Their droppings can stain curtains, walls, and furniture, and they release a foul odor when squashed. Asian ladybeetles do bite, but their bite does not harm people or spread disease. The bite is more of a pinch or scrape when it comes into contact with skin. In addition, some lady beetle species can damage crops.
Asian Lady Beetle FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Asian lady beetles an invasive species in Wisconsin?
Asian lady beetles were introduced into the United States from Asia between 1978 and 1981 to help control aphids and other crop pests. They are now widely distributed throughout the Midwest and are considered an invasive species in Wisconsin.
What do Asian lady beetles eat?
Asian lady beetles feed on aphids, mealybugs, and scale insects.
Are Asian lady beetles a threat to dogs?
When disturbed, Asian lady beetles release a body fluid called hemolymph, containing stinky and poisonous chemicals. Hemolymph is corrosive and can cause chemical burns to the mouth and gastrointestinal tract. These beetles can be a threat to dogs if they consume a large quantity of Asian lady beetles. Dog and beetle conflicts are very rare. Likely the dog will quickly seek water to wash away the foul taste of the fluid.