Take Back Your Yard From Mosquitoes
Nothing ruins a barbecue, bonfire, or other outdoor activities quite like a swarm of hungry mosquitoes. While these pests are undoubtedly annoying with their itchy bites, they also pose a serious health risk by spreading diseases like the West Nile and Zika virus. Take back your yard this summer with our professional mosquito control services. Our safe and effective treatments ensure your outdoor spaces remain protected from mosquitoes, allowing you to enjoy the outdoors without the nuisance and concerns associated with mosquitoes.
Mosquito-Borne Diseases
The mosquito is the deadliest insect in the world, causing more human deaths than any other animal. There are several illnesses spread by mosquitoes in Wisconsin. While not every mosquito bite will lead to illness, it is important to stay informed about mosquitoes and the diseases they can spread.
West Nile Virus
West Nile virus is the most common disease spread by mosquitoes in Wisconsin. The illness is spread to humans through the bite of an infected Culex species mosquito. Most people who are infected with West Nile virus never develop noticeable symptoms. Others may develop mild symptoms like fever, headache, and fatigue. On average, 18 cases of West Nile virus are reported each year in Wisconsin.
Jamestown Canyon Virus
Jamestown Canyon virus is the second most common disease spread by mosquitoes in Wisconsin, after West Nile virus. Cases are more common in the northern part of the state. The virus is relatively rare in Wisconsin, but recently, the number of cases has increased. Mild signs and symptoms include fever, chills, fatigue, and headache.
La Crosse Encephalitis
La Crosse encephalitis is an illness spread by the bite of an infected Aedes triseriatus mosquito. Most people who are infected with West Nile virus never develop noticeable symptoms. Others may develop mild symptoms like fever, headache, and fatigue. La Crosse encephalitis virus is very rare in Wisconsin.
St. Louis Encephalitis
St. Louis encephalitis is an illness spread by the bite of an infected Culex species mosquito. Almost 99% of people infected with St. Louis encephalitis never develop symptoms. Those that do develop symptoms often experience mild illness like fever, headache, and fatigue. St. Louis encephalitis is rare in Wisconsin.
Professional Mosquito Control in Milwaukee, WI
Advanced Wildlife and Pest Control provides a responsible approach to mosquito control that minimizes harm to beneficial insects and pollinators. Our certified pest specialists apply a thorough barrier spray that eliminates mosquitoes, ticks, and other pests upon contact. The spray bonds to the grass and foliage around your home, providing effective mosquito-repellent protection for up to 3 to 4 weeks.

⭐ Let's Try It Out ⭐
One-Time Treatment
If you have a small outdoor area with little vegetation, are planning an outdoor event, or simply wish to test it out, our one-time mosquito treatment is an ideal choice.

⭐ Most Effective ⭐
Monthly Treatments
Our most effective treatment option is ideal for customers with high mosquito populations. Regular treatments will ensure minimal mosquito activity throughout the summer.

⭐ Popular Choice ⭐
Seasonal Treatments
A popular treatment option for homeowners is our seasonal treatments, where we treat your property twice during the peak mosquito season in midsummer.

Benefits of Mosquito Control
Here are some key benefits of professional mosquito control:
- Pest Protection: Professional mosquito control eliminates existing mosquitoes and prevents future infestation for long-term protection.
- Customized Solutions: Our services are customizable to your specific needs, whether you want ongoing protection or a one-time treatment for a special occasion.
- Mosquito Bites & Diseases: With fewer mosquitoes, you can enjoy the outdoors without the discomfort of mosquito bites or concern of mosquito-borne diseases.
- Peace of Mind: Relax and enjoy a mosquito-free yard this summer!
What Attracts Mosquitoes?
Mosquitoes are attracted to the carbon dioxide that humans and animals emit. Individuals who produce more carbon dioxide, such as pregnant women or those who are exercising, tend to be more appealing to mosquitoes. Mosquitos also use body heat and sweat to locate their next meals. Mosquitoes may prefer some people over others based on their blood type. While they only live for a few weeks, mosquitoes breed rapidly and lay their eggs in standing water. Ponds, bird baths, puddles, pools, water fountains, clogged gutters, and any other location where water collects will attract mosquitoes.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to keep mosquitoes away?
Eliminate mosquito breed sites around your home by regularly draining any standing water from containers, including bird baths, fountains, buckets, old tires, and planters. Remove unnecessary items from your yard that can collect water. Trim dense vegetation and keep the grass cut short. Cover all water storage containers tightly. Clear clogged roof gutters.
When are mosquitoes most active?
Mosquito season in Wisconsin is typically from May to September, but can stay active until temperatures become too cold for them to survive. Mosquitoes are most active at dawn and dusk
Why do mosquitoes bite?
Female mosquitoes bite people and animals because they need blood to reproduce. They require the proteins in blood to develop their eggs.
What do mosquitoes eat?
Mosquito larvae feed on algae and other organic material in water. Only female mosquitoes consume blood that is needed to produce fertilized eggs. Male mosquitoes eat only nectar and fruit juices.
Where do mosquitoes live?
Mosquitoes breed in still water, such as ponds, old tires, bird baths, flower pots, and water fountains. These insects also prefer shady areas and live in tall grass and shrubbery.