Milwaukee Silverfish Control

Facts & Information

What are Silverfish?

Silverfish are a common household pest in Milwaukee and southeastern Wisconsin. They have long, flat, fish-like-shaped bodies with three long, bristly appendages at the tip of their abdomen. Silverfish have a silvery, metallic appearance and measure ½ to 1 inch in length. These swift insects run in a wavy pattern that resembles a fish’s swimming motion. Silverfish are nocturnal insects that feed on carpeting, dead insects, wallpaper, and glues.

Why Do I Have Them?

Silverfish prefer dark, damp environments and are often found outdoors underneath mulch, stones, and leaf litter. They are known to invade houses, searching for food, moisture, and shelter. Once inside, these pests are usually found in basements, bathrooms, and kitchen cupboards. Silverfish are also often brought indoors by accident on infested items, such as old furniture, boxes, and potted plants.

Why Should I Be Concerned?

Silverfish do not bite, sting, or transmit diseases. They are primarily a nuisance. Silverfish will also eat carpeting, clothing, book bindings, and paper. In large numbers, they can cause a lot of damage. Silverfish may also trigger allergies in some people.

Treatment & Control

How Do I Get Rid of Silverfish?


Silverfish infestations are uncommon. If you are noticing silverfish, you might have a moisture problem in your house. A licensed pest exterminator will conduct a thorough inspection of your property to identify problem areas. Because every home is different, our technician will work with you to develop a customized action plan for your situation.


Our pest management specialists will treat the exterior foundation, especially around doors, and interior spaces where they are active to rid your home of these pests.


Silverfish are a common pest each year, especially during the summer and autumn. Our seasonal pest treatments will protect your home and family year-round against these critters. No contracts are required. We can also seal cracks and openings around the house for further protection.


Silverfish infestations are uncommon. If you are noticing silverfish, you might have a moisture problem in your house. A licensed pest exterminator will conduct a thorough inspection of your property to identify problem areas. Because every home is different, our technician will work with you to develop a customized action plan for your situation.


Our pest management specialists will treat the exterior foundation, especially around doors, and interior spaces where they are active to rid your home of these pests.


Silverfish are a common pest each year, especially during the summer and autumn. Our seasonal pest treatments will protect your home and family year-round against these critters. No contracts are required. We can also seal cracks and openings around the house for further protection.
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Milwaukee Pest Control Services

How Do I Keep Silverfish Out of My House?

Preventing silverfish from invading your home can be a difficult task; however, you can take a few steps to help stop them. Eliminate moisture around your house by drying out damp areas, such as bathrooms and basements. Seal any cracks or crevices around your home. Inspect boxes, outdoor furniture, and potted plants before bringing these items indoors.