Turtles in Wisconsin
Turtles are semi-aquatic reptiles. All turtles have shells comprised of bone covered in keratin plates, a substance similar to human fingernails. Turtle shells are permanently attached to the back and ribs of the reptile, which means turtles cannot leave their shells. Turtles come in various shades of green, brown, and grey, which helps them blend into their surroundings. Turtles are notoriously slow-moving and have been known to live for over 100 years. There are 11 different species of turtles in Wisconsin, including the common snapping turtle, wood turtle, painted turtle, and more.
What are the Signs of a Turtle in Your Pond?
Ponds tend to attract all types of critters to your backyard, some more desirable than others. In general, turtles are gentle, harmless reptiles. However, snapping turtles can be dangerous to people, children, and pets as they have notoriously strong bites. Turtles, especially painted turtles, are common carriers of salmonella. Additionally, turtles can damage gardens and fisheries.
Do not pick up a snapping turtle! Let our wildlife professionals safely remove snapping turtles from your pond. A snapping turtle can easily stretch its neck back across its own shell to its hind feet and bite your fingers right off, and it can also scratch you with its sharp claws. Unless a turtle is in immediate danger, leave it where you found it.

Professional Turtle Removal in Milwaukee, WI
Advanced Wildlife and Pest Control provides turtle removal services in Milwaukee and southeastern Wisconsin. Our certified wildlife specialists will safely and efficiently trap and remove nuisance turtles from your pond and property. Direct capture and turtle live traps are the most effective and humane methods to remove a turtle. Once captured, we will relocate the turtle 25+ miles away from your residence.

Turtle FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
What do turtles eat?
Turtles are omnivores that primarily eat fish, snails, crayfish, rodents, worms, fruits, grasses, and other vegetation.
Where do turtles live?
Turtles live in a wide variety of habitats, including ponds, rivers, lakes, marshes, and wooded areas. Turtles spend most of their time in the water but climb out to bask on banks, logs, or rocks on sunny days.
When do turtles have babies?
Most turtles in Wisconsin mate in the spring as soon as they emerge from hibernation. Female turtles dig shallow bowl-shaped nests in sunny, well-drained uplands to lay their eggs. Snapping turtles lay about 20 to 40 creamy white ping-pong ball-sized eggs. Painted turtles lay about 5 to 6 eggs. The incubation period takes from 70 to 90 days, and hatchings emerge in late summer.
How long do turtles live?
A turtle’s lifespan depends on the species, but most species live into their 40s. Turtles have a few predators, including raccoons, coyotes, lizards, and birds. Unfortunately, many turtles die as a result of vehicle collisions.
What does turtle poop look like?
Turtle droppings can vary in appearance and consistency depending on the size and diet of the turtle species. Turtle poop is usually green to brown. The poop may be fibrous or very loose for species that eat a lot of grass and plants.
What do turtle tracks look like?
Turtle tracks are round with five deep claw marks. In the center of the trail, you will usually see a line left by the tail.